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Small Farms Thrive Because of You!

Did you know that your farmers write and record music when they aren’t milking cows? David and Daniel have lots of original songs that you can add to your playlist.

Meet some of our registered Jersey mamas! If you would like to feed a cow (organic alfalfa hay) for a day or even a week, you may do that by clicking the link below the cow of your choice. 

This is Gala. Gala is a pleasure to be around. She will literally lick you to death!

Toolip is very prolific. She gives us lots of creamy milk. 

Mandi is our resident “horse”. All four of the grandkids love to ride her and she soaks it up!

Vanilla has a mind of her own. But that is ok, we love a cow with a little spirit about her.

Raindrop is a little camera shy but she loves the kids. 

Strawberry has been adopted by our granddaughter Ellie. This is her favorite cow. 

Temple is a fantastic mother. She will literally take an orphan calf and raise it as her own. 

 Vertigo is very low key and steady but delivers some delicious milk.

 Cinderella is a beautiful milk cow. Lots of white splotches all over her coat.

Freeda has a very nice udder perfect for milk production.

 Celebration is a very dark faced cow but still 100% registered Jersey as are all of our cows.

Zoe has a very chill personality. The kids raised her from a calf so she really loves them. 

Lollipop is our top producer and a very beautiful animal. She has a very sweet disposition.

You may choose an honorary membership and become a farm friend even though you may not be in a position to visit the farm or make purchases.

You may choose to purchase merchandise from the farmers!

Coming Soon!

Follow us on Instagram for a closer look at the day to day happenings on the farm!