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“Serve Our Country Well” Original Song by ©Daniel Hammond




Original Song by ©Daniel Hammond   “Serve Our Country Well”

Both my wife, Susan and my daughter, Leah are playing on this song. Susan is on the flute and Leah is singing harmony.


David Hammond – Producer, Engineer, Electric Bass

Daniel Hammond – Lead Vocals, Nylon String Guitar

Leah (Hammond) Warrak – Harmony Vocals

Susan Hammond – Flute


Original Song by ©Daniel Hammond


Seems like a lifetime since we said goodbye

Dozens of letters but no reply

I wish I could have come along but I’ll be here when you get home

Daddy serve our country well


A decorated captain came to our front door

He gripped his hat with nervous hands his eyes pacing the floor

The only words I heard him say as he turned to walk away

Your daddy served our country well


We got an invitation from the Arms Department

It said that Dad was a hero signed by the President

He offered his sincere regrets and in closing said to me

Your daddy served our country well



Daddy you served our country well and I’m proud to wear your medal

I’ll take good care of Momma while you’re gone

And when life’s war is done we’ll join you in heaven

Daddy you served our country well



And when life’s war is done we’ll join you in heaven

Daddy you served our country well